Looking back…

Our world has changed but not the needs of people. Whether on the road or in our neighborhood, people are in need of a listening ear, encouragement, and knowing they are loved and valued. God has opened so many opportunities for us to be instruments of His care in their lives. Pray that they will one day be reconciled to Him by faith.

Our world has changed but not the relevance of truth and hope. Gods Word is living and powerful. A relevant source of truth and wisdom that helps us navigate the complexities of life. Each growing at a different pace and in different areas under His care. Each being set free as truth becomes our worldview.

Our world has changed but not the attributes and character of God. What an incredible thing it is to be loved and discipled by God. To experience His gentle yet firm hand as He comforms us to the image of His Son. What an incredible thing to see this transformation in the inner man.

Our world has changed but not our purpose. With unreached making up 1/3 of the people in this world, we continue to do our part in equipping and mobilizing the church. A special thank you for those who give and pray towards this ministry.

Top to bottom. 1. Mission conference with our aviation department. 2. Student illustration of our teaching. 3. Helping pick apples during a conference in WI. 4. Moving Dave’s parent from NJ to FL. 5. Picture in South Asia while visiting our kids. 6. Cultural event at Texas A&M. 7. One of many events done in local church 8. Celebrating moms b-day in FL. 9. Biking in Mojave desert on way back from teaching at IT project in CA. 10. Enjoyed doing stonework and mantle for a friend. 11. Enjoying the many views as we drive 50,000+ miles per year. 12. Thankful for medical procedures as we both battle pre skin cancer and skin cancer.

Looking ahead…

…Currently making our way out East to teach post high school students at OneLife. We love these opportunities of extensive teaching and interaction. We usually return home exhausted and encouraged.

…February and March. In addition to hosting and teaching groups visiting our campus, we have trips planed to Dallas TX, Spokane WA, Wichita KS and Waukesha WI for additional teaching and doing our cultural event .

…. April. We will be hosting a weekend for parents of graduates at our training center. This focused time give us a chance to thank, encourage and give parents a sampling of what their kids had been taught over the last two years of training. A great time for parents to build a network among themselves and

…May. Nothing yet! Probably won’t be that way for long.

…. June. We will travel to CA to teach at the IT Project (Intensive Training for College age students who are interested in Ministry overseas). We will load up our car with our barista equipment and teaching material to make this trip. Amazing how many conversation happen around a Latté.

…. June/July. We’ve been asked to take a group to South Asia. This is no small responsibility. Could you please pray for the wisdom, planing and funds required to do this.

…August. Been asked if I could go to Papua New Guinea to help a tribal team build their homes. This would be a dream come true as these are former students that we built a very close relationship with. We will hold onto this loosely.

Praying always for…

  1. Confident expectation as He does His work in and thru our lives.

  2. A passion for His Bride and love and pursuit for the lost.

  3. Wisdom and clear direction in these days. What do the days ahead look like? What adjustments are we needing to make?

  4. Good management of our health, time and finances.

  5. Continued open doors and hearts to invest in.

  6. Praise. People are hearing the gospel for the first time. You are part of the team that makes this happen.

  7. New members to join our financial team. Increased expenses and travel make funds tight.

Laura Percy