It’s a Go!

The KUYU team.

Jacob DeValve (left) and Micheal LeBlanc did this small video to help us understand the process it takes in making the decision of choosing a people group. These two families are joined by another family; Jonathan and Devan Ames. They have bought their supplies and are currently in the village building the team office building. This is where we will sleep as a team while we build the houses. Pray for our safety and strength. While there, our meals will be provided by the KUYU people. Sweet potato for breakfast, lunch and supper. Not quite “Laura’s kitchen”. Yet, what a privilege it will be to be in their village for those 15 days. Just think how the Gospel is about to change their lives!

PS. In a couple weeks we will send you a follow up video.

PRAISE! Thank you for the individuals and the West Overland Bible Church VBS that have generously given towards this trip. The trip is paid for. Thanks you so much. Pray that I might be a real help and encouragement to this team.

Top to bottom. 1. We love summer BBQ. 2. The wonders of Spring and new life. 3. Favorite time of the day is early morning sipping on a great cup of coffee. 4. It’s been wonderful and unexpected to have kids and grandkids close by. 5. Parents weekend. Laura is the tribal person. 6. Blessed with continued open doors. 7. One of many occasions where our grandkids is preparing mud cookies for us. 8. Celebrating Cap’s 90th B-day. 9. Nana loves making treats for the grandkids. 10. Love making wood oven pizza for our guest. 11. We have the privilege of hosting, feeding and teaching many college student who stop by our campus. 12. Always encouraged to see the Lord at work in the lives of people we do life with.

Looking ahead…

…Just finished doing our cultural event in Florida. We hosted over a hundred college kids at our headquarters. We are always encouraged to see how God uses this event to challenge young lives. Pray doors will continue to open up for further teaching opportunities and that we balance our time well.

…Currently making the drive from Florida to Costa Mesa California. We will be teaching next week at the IT project. I love these extended times of teaching with college students. We bring our coffee equipment with us on this trip. Amazing how many conversations take place around a latte.

….August. Our son and daughter-in-law are expecting twins. We are excited to meet these two grand daughters at the end of the month. Pray for a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

…Head to PNG. How exciting. How wonderful to be able to play a part of reaching the KUYU. It seems so insignificant, yet it takes a team involved in every aspect to see this completed. Still need to buy plane ticket and get vaccinated for Typhoid. We have almost all the funds needed for this and we are so thankful for those who gave towards this. Thankful and humbled. The projected date for my departure is August 27 but I am waiting on my visa/passport to be returned from the Papua New Guinea Embassy.

…September. I will return to a week of meeting in Florida. Our schedule is filling up for the fall.

…Continued investment in the people we do life with. I am working on a couple large projects and teaching materials for the future.

Praying always for…

  1. Confident expectation as He does His work in and thru our lives.

  2. A passion for His Bride and love and pursuit for the lost.

  3. Wisdom and clear direction in these days. What do the days ahead look like? What adjustments are we needing to make?

  4. Good management of our health, time and finances.

  5. Continued open doors and hearts to invest in.

  6. Praise. People are hearing the gospel for the first time. You are part of the team that makes this happen.

  7. New members to join our financial team. Increased expenses and travel make funds tight.

Laura Percy