Banking on your prayer

This morning Dave met with an excavator to discuss options for the issues we have had with our creek banks. Last Spring, we had MANY heavy rain storms which resulted in flash flooding in our area. One particular rainstorm caused much damage in our creek causing log jams, erosion and also took out about 15 feet of property at the back of our land here at Harbor Home. The areas of erosion are our biggest concern and we are asking you to PRAY for us as we need to discern the best decision for correcting this ongoing problem. The area of concern is a ‘turn’ in the creek that is very near our garage area. If this continues, it could result in loss of trees and damage to our driveway/garage area. Please pray for Dave and Wayne as they navigate this major decision (both physically but also financially). We want to be wise with how to navigate this but also try not to spend/waste money by investing in things that won’t really help.

Appreciate knowing you will join us in this.

Side note… Classes begin today for our new students! This is always an exciting time here at the Training Center because we see these young families and singles committing to this training for two years to better equip them for reaching the unreached around the world. Dave and I are hosting one couple this semester with hopes of mentoring and discipling them throughout the two years here. Pics to come!

Laura Percy